Monday, June 25, 2012

The challenge of world

Today is like always but much better than holiday i guess you can't get  what you want like your weight to change T_T atleast i lose some weight like three or more =w= you know i think i have better life but annoying ! my dad always tell me what to do so i feel unhappy so i'm don't tell him some stuff private and also likely to me  
Another thing is i hate it when people say i look like a innocent funny  =_= do i really look like that ? so hard to understand i guess world is like that let you feel uneasy and sad but it let you feel hate to live like that but in the end you are the luckiest person in the world and you feel regret for saying i'm the saddest person in the world and want to leave this place i guess this what is a challenge 


  1. hahahahaha... thats why i always want to travel dimension to fairytail world

  2. your blog is hilarious~! no offense but HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! XD I know you are serious and being all.. serious! but this is SERIOUSLY funny! you didnt tell dad private stuff but this blog knew all your private feelings. lol
