Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Hi ! saturday i have a lot of fun with my friend this is the first time my mom gave me go out with my friend WITHOUT Caretaker (Sister following) =w= i ate a large popcorn myself is that weird o.o to me no because when i ate large with my sis at half show then puff no food =__= so not weird my mom gave me go but i must finish the promise i must get good grade and no staring at computer / laptop all day. Sunday not many happen but my cousin got a application and go study at Australia COOL ! I hope she study hard and safe there, we go say farewell ,good luck, best wishes to her . Monday not much but sleepy just like today. To tell you something i felt uneasy and sad when my friend talking to other friend about going out and i can't go or telling secret i felt unfit and sad and also hurt =_= is this what people said friendship bridge broke ? i think is just false feeling for me

1 comment:

  1. i love to seperate u and ur friend :D /Sparklingeye/ cus i hate ur friend some of them ofcourse and if u got this kind of friend , justgive them a i dont care face and is not that i only have u as a friend ! if u dont like me , be it ! u will regret when u ned me :D
