Monday, June 25, 2012

The challenge of world

Today is like always but much better than holiday i guess you can't get  what you want like your weight to change T_T atleast i lose some weight like three or more =w= you know i think i have better life but annoying ! my dad always tell me what to do so i feel unhappy so i'm don't tell him some stuff private and also likely to me  
Another thing is i hate it when people say i look like a innocent funny  =_= do i really look like that ? so hard to understand i guess world is like that let you feel uneasy and sad but it let you feel hate to live like that but in the end you are the luckiest person in the world and you feel regret for saying i'm the saddest person in the world and want to leave this place i guess this what is a challenge 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

There really is only 1 cm of Happiness

Yesterday my dad change his mind and give me go out with my friend i had many fun and i go watch movie with my sister we watch Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted that is very funny and i got the song in my head flowing like ladadadadada  ~ Afro circus ladadadadada~ Afro circus it was a great movie the penguin is a super genius and i like it i hope i have one as for today i borrow my friend pendrive to play a new online game dragonnest is fun but hard to control i had the fun for 3 or more hour in the field and here come the storm gra~ gra~ dad is here ! and here come his fateful servant his lecture blah blah blah game is bad blah blah blah there really is short time of happiness my sis theme is true

Friday, June 8, 2012

Glominess in the Air

Today i felt sad and annoyed by my dad i felt sad cus tomorrow i suppose to go out and celebrate my friend birthday but i didn't get to go cus my grandpa is sick and he is in a hospital eventhough i want to go with friend but i need to go visit him  is hard to choose from friend and family  so is had for me because it is the first time i get to go out with friend eventhough my sis is going with me and i'm annoyeed because of my dad keep talking bad words about grandchase(online game)  said grandchase this grandchase that and also afternoon when i get back from visiting grandpa in the hospital , i ask my little brat sister and my big evil minded gloom cloud all over less nicer than before sister to help me but no~~~i have thing to do no~~~~ i can't now so i angrily throw a billow on the brat one she is much making me angry. so i angrily dry the clothes myself and also my little brat playful annoying brother didn't help me on the disney channel destination thing so i also throw the billow on him i ask him to help me why can't i get what i want all the time ! i really want to go to disneyland tokyo !!!!!
i really learn a lesson on this never trust people and always stay away from my dad i really felt sad but i always feel better after watching tumblr on thev :D i hate this world and i hate my annoying family except grandma mom and my gloomy second sis i also like my big sis too eventhough sometime she make me angry but i know she stress lots :D i hate most is both my braty sister and brother 

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Finally i'm back to this blog today i don't know why my dad hate online game so much ??? is game that bad ??? why ??? since is holiday why can't i have fun ??? why can't i play all day ?? that is so weird ,game can't kill people and i can't play till death why dad can't understand me ??? why can't i play all holiday ???