Wednesday, November 28, 2012


                    Me felt lazy to get up since is holiday 
Hi long time again , today topic is friends and my next year life 
Much more is about my problem of friends . To me ( when i was young ) is a important and valuable thing it bring happiness , laughter and joy but now i think friends is troublesome it talk to you then to others is hard to talk to them about your feeling sometime when you were talking to them then suddenly someone come in and they talk much happier because you doesn't has anything in common games, likes and hate is hard to get along even if you have someone likes is common is still hard to communicate =_=" Just like W we like anime but she talk about hers more than mine and even sometime we can't talk about or own likes. Having friends is even harder than being alone . I like being alone is like being in your own world and you don't have to care about anyone think about you . Next year I'm being in other class from my friends even though I have one more friend in the same class but i can't communicate with her now she is talk about Korea star with other than me i felt left out around her this make me feel sad unhappy so next year I NOT TALKING TO HER IF SHE TALK TO ME FIRST I'M LIVING MY LIFE BEING ALONE ( in class only ) i hope she get along with me better next year /_\ *sigh* i hope she understand my feeling what i felt inside when I'm left out while talking to her and someone interrupt i try to make her jealous try to ignore her but she just don't know how i felt . Also there one of my friend not truly my friend got into a class higher by one class i hate her SO i can just strangle her .She always try to look innocent and ask " How is your math ? " then she will " Oh is too embarrass to tell you" then is a good grade how pathetic She I'll call her Y and she also just lucky to get in that class since i didn't attend my test since my grandpa funeral i not blaming him i just saying is a coincidence and since is over you can only blame yourself for not making mom schedule for my test and now there is also R she now got married ( just got s boyfriend and put status married ) she never talk to me she just say hi ask how are you and laugh on joke and done .Is easy getting friends but is hard making best friend for life i want a best friend that support me know me understand me but there's only one person know me understand me but not supportive XD my sister Momo even though she is not very supportive but i like her =w=  I hope next year go well since i have a big and important test coming up . Now me and Momo is still obsessed with Xiaolin showdown I want holiday go fast so i can tell G the great news about Xiaolin Chronicles i can tell her by phone but i really want to tell her face to face since is great news since we are big fans of it i think she is big fans i hope so good luck to me next year >w<

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